Can Children Receive a Psychiatric Evaluation?

As some children grow, they may have difficulties with school work or socializing with other children their age. When parents or teachers begin to notice these problems, they can have a hard time figuring out where they are coming from because of all the potential causes. In these types of cases, psychiatric evaluations could be very beneficial.

Psychiatric Evaluations: What Are They?

Psychiatric evaluations, also known as mental health evaluations and psychological evaluations, are used to determine if someone has a specific mental health disorder or other condition. They can be administered by a psychiatrist, a psychologist, or a family doctor.

These evaluations can help professionals diagnose conditions like Attention-Hyper Deficit Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, personality disorders, and more.

Psych evaluations usually involve several types of screenings and assessments, including:

  • Physical exams
  • Verbal questionnaires
  • Written questionnaires
  • Lab tests
  • Medical evaluations
  • Cognitive evaluations

If the specialist who performs the evaluation determines that an individual does have a specific condition, they will then create a treatment plan that fits the patient’s needs. Treatment may include a combination of methods like medication, therapy, support groups, and more.

Can A Child Get A Psychiatric Evaluation?

Yes, a child can receive a psychiatric evaluation if they have emotional or behavioral problems that point to a condition. During this process, a child or adolescent psychiatrist will conduct several interviews and tests to determine a child’s strengths and weaknesses. They will assess a child’s intelligence, memory, attention, development, and more. This helps the professional determine how the child functions academically, socially, psychologically, and emotionally.

Psychiatric evaluations usually last a few hours over one or more office visits for the child and their parents. With the parents’ permission, other people (family physician, school personnel, or other relatives) may be contacted to participate in a child’s evaluation as well.

Once the evaluation is complete, the psychiatrist will make a formulation. This formulation describes a child’s problems and explains it in a way that both the child and parents can understand. Then, they will answer any questions that the child or parents may have for them. From there, the child will begin a treatment plan designed for them and their specific condition/s.

Is A Psych Evaluation Right For Your Child?

While psychiatric evaluations can be helpful for many children with mental health conditions, they are not for everyone. If you’re sensing that there may be an issue, contact their doctor to see if a psychiatric evaluation could be the best option. If they don’t think your child is ready to receive an evaluation, they will recommend other routes or potential solutions.

Psych evaluations are especially helpful for children who are having problems at school, displaying radical changes in behavior or mood, engaging in violent behavior, and more. These assessments can help these children and adolescents receive the help they need in a timely manner. The sooner treatment begins, the sooner they will begin to feel more like themselves.

To learn more about psychiatric evaluations, contact our team of mental health treatment specialists for additional information. Give us a call at 866-552-3758 or email us at today.


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