Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Philadelphia, PA

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex condition that can significantly impact daily life, affecting both children and adults. Our specialized team of professionals is committed to providing comprehensive care and support for those living with ADHD in the Philadelphia area.  Explore this page to learn more about ADHD as well as our services, resources, and how we can assist you or your loved one on the journey to improved mental health.

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What is ADHD?

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that typically starts in childhood but can continue into adulthood. It is characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that interfere with functioning or development.


Inattention refers to difficulties with staying focused on tasks, following through on instructions, and organizing activities. Individuals with ADHD may often lose items necessary for tasks, be easily distracted, forget daily activities, or make careless mistakes in schoolwork or other activities. Hyperactivity involves excessive activity, restlessness, or feeling fidgety. People with ADHD may often leave their seats when remaining seated is expected, such as in the classroom or workplace. They may also talk excessively or have trouble engaging in leisure activities quietly. Impulsivity refers to hasty actions taken without thought that can have high potential for harm, or a desire for immediate rewards. Individuals with ADHD may interrupt others, have difficulty waiting their turn, or make important decisions without considering long-term consequences.

It’s important to note that everyone can exhibit these behaviors at times, but for individuals with ADHD, these behaviors are more severe and occur more often. They interfere with the individual’s ability to function at school, work, home, and in social settings. ADHD is a complex disorder that requires professional diagnosis and treatment. With appropriate support and intervention, individuals with ADHD can lead successful and fulfilling lives.

How do I know if I have ADHD?

How do I know if I have ADHD?

Recognizing ADHD symptoms can be challenging as they often mirror common behaviors and problems. Key signs of ADHD include persistent inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that interfere with functioning or development. If you frequently find it difficult to pay attention, easily get distracted, struggle with organization, or feel overly restless, these could be indicators of ADHD. However, these symptoms alone do not confirm the presence of ADHD. It’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis. If you think you or a loved one might have ADHD, call us today at 866-522-3758 to set up an appointment to speak to one of our licensee mental health professionals to get a diagnosis.

How to get diagnosed for ADHD?

How to get diagnosed for ADHD?

Diagnosing ADHD involves several steps and it’s important to approach a qualified healthcare provider. They will likely start with a comprehensive medical interview and physical examination to rule out other conditions that can cause similar symptoms. Psychological tests may also be conducted to evaluate attention span, impulsivity, and the ability to manage tasks. They might also ask about your history, including childhood behavior, academic performance, and current social and work situations.

Learn More: ADHD Testing

How to get tested for ADHD?

How to get tested for ADHD?

Testing for ADHD is usually performed by a licensed mental health professional or a doctor. The process includes a series of questionnaires, behavior rating scales, and possibly IQ or neuropsychological tests. These evaluations aim to assess your cognitive abilities, memory, attention span, and potential learning disabilities. Your family members, teachers, or close friends may also be interviewed or asked to complete questionnaires about your behavior. Remember, there’s no single test to diagnose ADHD, it’s a comprehensive evaluation process.

Learn More: ADHD Testing

What are the causes of ADHD?

While the exact cause of ADHD is not known, research suggests that it is likely due to a combination of several factors, including genetics, brain structure and function, and environmental influences. Genetics plays a significant role in ADHD. The condition often runs in families, suggesting a genetic component. Studies have found certain genes associated with neurotransmitter systems in the brain to be more common in people with ADHD, indicating that these may influence the development of the disorder.

Changes in brain structure and function are also associated with ADHD. Brain imaging studies have shown that the brains of individuals with ADHD may develop more slowly in certain areas. Furthermore, there is evidence of altered activity in parts of the brain that control attention and impulsivity.

Causes of ADHD During Prenatal

Environmental factors during prenatal and early life stages may also contribute to the development of ADHD. Prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke, alcohol, or drugs, premature birth, low birth weight, and lead exposure have all been linked to an increased risk of ADHD.

However, it’s important to note that these factors increase the risk, but do not guarantee that a person will develop ADHD. As with most disorders, it is likely the interaction of multiple genetic and environmental factors that leads to the development of the disorder. Despite extensive research, the exact causes of ADHD remain incompletely understood, and ongoing studies continue to investigate this complex condition.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The symptoms can vary between individuals and across different stages of life.

Inattention Symptoms

Inattention symptoms may include difficulties with staying focused on tasks, particularly those that are repetitive or require sustained mental effort. Individuals with ADHD may often make careless mistakes in schoolwork or other activities. They might have trouble organizing tasks and activities, frequently lose items necessary for tasks, or be easily distracted by unrelated thoughts or stimuli. They may also forget daily activities such as doing homework, completing chores, or keeping appointments.

Hyperactivity Symptoms

Hyperactivity symptoms often involve excessive activity. Children with ADHD may run about or climb in situations where it’s not appropriate. In adults, this may present as restlessness or wearing others out with their activity. People with ADHD may also fidget, tap their hands or feet, or squirm in their seats. They may talk excessively and have trouble engaging in leisure activities quietly.

Impulsivity symptoms

Impulsivity symptoms can include impatience, difficulty waiting one’s turn, blurting out answers before questions have been completed, and interrupting or intruding on others’ conversations or games. Individuals with ADHD may also act without thinking about the consequences, leading to potential harm or negative impacts on their relationships, academic performance, or job stability.

It’s important to note that these symptoms must be chronic or long-lasting, impair the individual’s functioning, and cause the person to fall behind typical development for his or her age. Also, the symptoms should not only be a manifestation of oppositional behavior, defiance, hostility, or failure to understand tasks or instructions. For a diagnosis of ADHD, the symptoms should be severe enough to cause significant difficulties in multiple settings – such as at home, school, or work.

How to treat ADHD?

Treating ADHD typically involves a multi-faceted approach that can include medication, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes. While each option is helpful on its own, best results are often seen when these therapies are combined together into a multifaceted approach to treatment. Each person’s treatment plan should be tailored to their specific symptoms and needs and should include medication management under the care of a healthcare professional.

ADHD Medication

ADHD Medication

The main medications used to treat ADHD are typically classified into two categories: stimulants and non-stimulants. Stimulant medications are the most commonly prescribed for ADHD. They work by increasing the levels of certain chemicals in the brain that help with thinking and attention. There are two types of stimulant medications – amphetamines and methylphenidates. Non-stimulant medications can also be used to treat ADHD. These may be an option if stimulant medications aren’t effective or cause significant side effects.

Common ADHD medications include:

  • Stimulants: Amphetamines (Adderall and Vyvanse) and Methylphenidates (Ritalin and Concerta)
  • Non-Stimulants: Atomoxetine (Strattera), Guanfacine (Intuniv), and Clonidine (Kapvay)



Psychotherapy, commonly known as individual therapy, is a key component of a comprehensive treatment plan for ADHD. It involves therapeutic interactions or treatment strategies with a trained mental health professional to address the symptoms of ADHD and improve the individual’s quality of life.

One common form of psychotherapy used in treating ADHD is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT helps individuals with ADHD learn to manage their thoughts and behaviors in more productive ways. For instance, they may learn techniques to cope with inattention, improve organizational skills, and manage impulsive behaviors. CBT can also assist with improving self-esteem, which can often be affected in individuals with ADHD due to struggles with academic, professional, or social interactions.

The other common form of psychotherapy is Behavior Therapy. This therapy is particularly beneficial for children with ADHD. It involves practical assistance, rather than the thoughts and feelings that drive negative behaviors.  Examples of this help is focusing on better organizing tasks or completing schoolwork, and  promoting positive behavior and discouraging unwanted behavior. This can involve reward systems, timeouts, or loss of privileges. Parental involvement in this therapy is crucial, as parents learn techniques and strategies to help their child with ADHD succeed at home, in school, and in relationships.

Psychotherapy for ADHD is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Each individual’s treatment plan should be tailored to their unique needs and symptoms. It’s also important to note that psychotherapy is often most effective when used in conjunction with other treatments, such as medication and lifestyle changes. Contact us today to set up a psychological evaluation with one of our dedicated and professional team members to get started on creating your specialized treatment plan.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes can significantly contribute to managing ADHD symptoms. They act as a complementary approach to medication, psychotherapy, education, and training, helping to enhance overall well-being and functionality.

Here are some key lifestyle changes that can help with ADHD treatment:

  • Regular Physical Activity: Regular exercise can have numerous benefits for individuals with ADHD. It helps improve concentration, reduce impulsivity, and enhance mood by boosting the brain’s dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels – these are neurotransmitters affected by ADHD.
  • Healthy Diet: While there’s no specific ‘ADHD diet’, a balanced and nutritious diet can aid overall health and well-being. Some research suggests that certain food additives or high-sugar diets might contribute to hyperactive behavior in some children. Therefore, maintaining a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains while limiting processed foods and sugars can be beneficial.
  • Good Sleep Hygiene: Many people with ADHD struggle with sleep problems. Maintaining good sleep hygiene can help. This could involve having a consistent sleep schedule, creating a restful sleep environment, and avoiding stimulating activities close to bedtime.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practices like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or other mindfulness techniques can help manage stress and improve focus and attention.
  • Limiting Screen Time: Excessive screen time can exacerbate ADHD symptoms. Setting boundaries for the use of TVs, computers, and smartphones especially before bedtime can be helpful.
  • Organizational Tools: Using calendars, planners, apps, or other tools to stay organized can help manage common ADHD symptoms like forgetfulness or procrastination.

Elium Health

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What is the difference between ADD and ADHD?

ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) are often used interchangeably, but they do have slight differences. The term ADD is an older term that was primarily used to describe people who have trouble focusing and paying attention, without the presence of hyperactive behavior. ADHD is the current medical terminology and is a broader term that includes attention deficit, but also encompasses hyperactivity and impulsivity. It’s further divided into three subtypes: predominantly inattentive presentation, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation, and combined presentation.

The predominantly inattentive presentation (previously known as ADD) is characterized by symptoms like forgetfulness, distractibility, and lack of focus, but without significant hyperactivity or impulsivity. The predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation is characterized by symptoms such as fidgeting, restlessness, and impulsive decisions. The combined presentation, as the name suggests, includes a combination of both sets of symptoms. ADD is essentially now considered a type of ADHD – specifically, the predominantly inattentive presentation.

Where to get diagnosed and treated for ADHD near me in Philadelphia?

If you’re in the Delaware Valley and seeking diagnosis and treatment for ADHD, our network of mental health centers is readily available. We have four clinics strategically located across the area to ensure accessibility:

Each of our centers is staffed by experienced and compassionate mental health professionals dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for ADHD utilizing the most up to date treatment techniques.

Additional Information about ADHD and mental health in Philadelphia

Continue reading for additional useful information about ADHD, general mental health information and its impact on Philadelphia.

How to find ADHD treatment near me

How to Find ADHD treatment near me

If you are looking for an ADHD diagnosis, help managing your ADHD medication, or looking to start therapy, finding the right professional help to treat ADHD is crucial to improving the quality of life for you or your loved one.  Below or some ways to find the help that you need.

  • Call local mental health clinics such as Elium Health’s four facilities 
  • Consult Your Primary Care Physician: They can often provide a referral to a specialist such as a psychiatrist or psychologist who specializes in ADHD treatment.
  • Use Online Directories: Websites like Psychology Today have directories of mental health professionals. You can filter by your location and the issue you need help with (in this case, ADHD).
  • Contact Local Hospitals or Universities: Many hospitals have mental health clinics that offer ADHD treatment. If there’s a university nearby, they might have a clinic open to the public as well.

Additional Stats and info about ADHD

Additional Stats and info about ADHD

  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 9.8% of children aged 2-17 years in the U.S. have been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2019.
  • It’s not just a childhood condition. According to a study published in JAMA Psychiatry, an estimated 4.4% of adults in the U.S. experience some form of ADHD.
  • The CDC also reports that boys (13%) are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls (6%).
  • The prevalence of ADHD diagnosis varies by state. For instance, according to the CDC, the percentage of children aged 3-17 ever diagnosed with ADHD was highest in Mississippi (14.4%) and lowest in California(5.3%). Pennsylvania is currently at 8%
  • Many children with ADHD have other conditions too. The CDC states that about 6 in 10 children with ADHD had at least one other mental, emotional, or behavioral disorder.
  • Students with ADHD may struggle academically. A study in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry states that “ADHD has a substantial negative impact on school performance”
  • The annual societal ‘cost of illness’ for ADHD is estimated to be between $36 and $52 billion, according to a 2007 review in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology.

What is Philadelphia known for?

What is Philadelphia known for?

Philadelphia, often referred to as Philly or the city of brotherly love, is a city that’s rich in history and culture. As one of the oldest cities in the United States, it’s often referred to as the birthplace of America due to its pivotal role in the country’s founding. This is where the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the Constitution in 1787, both of which took place at the historic Independence Hall. Nearby, the Liberty Bell, another iconic symbol of American independence, attracts visitors from around the world.

But Philadelphia’s contributions extend beyond just history. The city is also recognized for its distinctive culinary scene. The Philly cheesesteak is an iconic sandwich originated in this city and has become a well-loved food item nationwide. It’s a mouthwatering creation of thinly sliced beefsteak and melted cheese served in a long roll. Another local favorite is the soft pretzel, often enjoyed with mustard. And let’s not forget about the Reading Terminal Market, one of America’s largest and oldest public markets, offering a vast selection of locally grown produce, meats, cheeses, and meals from various cuisines.

Philadelphia is also a hub for arts and culture. It boasts an impressive collection of museums, including the Philadelphia Museum of Art, whose steps were made famous by the movie “Rocky,” and the Rodin Museum, which houses the most extensive collection of sculptor Auguste Rodin’s works outside Paris. The city’s Mural Arts Program has led to Philadelphia being nicknamed the “Mural Capital of the World,” with thousands of murals adorning building walls across the city.

Sports are a significant part of Philadelphia’s identity, with passionate fans supporting their teams in all major American professional sports leagues. The city is home to the Philadelphia Eagles (NFL), Philadelphia Phillies (MLB), Philadelphia 76ers (NBA), and the Philadelphia Flyers (NHL). Finally, Philadelphia is renowned for its educational institutions. The Ivy League member, the University of Pennsylvania, calls this city home, along with other esteemed institutions like Temple University and Drexel University.

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