Mental Health Treatment Centers That Offer Family Therapy in Philadelphia, PA

Welcome to Elium Health, your trusted partner in mental health services, including family therapy, across the Philadelphia metro area. With four established mental health centers, we are dedicated to providing compassionate, comprehensive care tailored to meet the unique needs of each family. Our team of highly skilled therapists are committed to fostering healing and growth, helping families navigate through life’s challenges with confidence and resilience. At Elium Health, we believe in empowering families to thrive, one session at a time.

Speak To Our Philadelphia Based Experts

Schedule an appointment, ask questions, or talk about something else we haven’t quite covered. Our qualified experts are here to create an tailored treatment plan for you or your loved one including family therapy options!

What is Mental Health Therapy?

Mental health therapy, also known as psychotherapy, is a strategic process used to treat mental health issues and emotional difficulties. It aims to improve an individual’s sense of well-being, alleviate feelings of distress, and resolve crises. This is achieved by enabling the individual to understand their feelings, equip them with the skills to manage life’s complexities, and make beneficial changes in their behavior and thinking patterns.


The therapy process can take place in different settings and formats, depending on the needs of the individual. One common format is individual therapy, where one-on-one sessions are held between the therapist and the client. These sessions provide a safe, confidential environment for individuals to openly express their thoughts and feelings, explore their behaviors, and work toward personal growth.

Group therapy is another format, where one or more therapists work with several individuals at the same time. This setting can be particularly beneficial for those who may feel isolated by their experiences, as it provides a supportive community of individuals facing similar struggles. Group therapy allows for the sharing of experiences, mutual encouragement, and the development of social skills.

Family and couples therapy are other prevalent forms of therapy. In family therapy, the focus is not only on the individual but also on their familial relationships. It acknowledges that family dynamics can significantly impact a person’s mental health, and thus seeks to improve these relationships and communication patterns.

Couples therapy, on the other hand, focuses on improving romantic relationships. It provides a platform for couples to express their thoughts and feelings, understand each other better, resolve conflicts, and enhance their relationship satisfaction.

How is Family Therapy different from Couples Therapy?

Family therapy and couples therapy are both forms of psychotherapy that seek to improve relationships and resolve interpersonal conflicts. However, they differ in their focus, scope, and the dynamics they address.

Family therapy is a form of treatment that is designed to address specific issues affecting the health and functioning of a family. It can include all family members or just those able or willing to participate. The aim of family therapy is to help family members improve communication, solve family problems, understand and handle special family situations, and create a better functioning home environment. For instance, if a child is having a problem, the entire family may be affected and each family member can play a part in the solution. Therefore, involving the entire family can make the dynamic more transparent and lead to lasting changes.

Couples therapy, on the other hand, focuses specifically on the dynamics between two people in a romantic relationship. The therapist helps the couple gain insight into their relationship, resolve conflict, and improve relationship satisfaction. Couples therapy can be beneficial for partners considering separation or seeking improved intimacy and understanding. While it does involve family dynamics to an extent, its primary focus is on the romantic partnership.

In essence, the key difference between family therapy and couples therapy lies in the number of people involved and the nature of the relationships being treated. Family therapy seeks to harmonize an entire family system, whereas couples therapy aims to enhance a romantic relationship. Both therapies can be valuable in different contexts, and a therapist will recommend the most suitable approach based on the specific needs and circumstances of the individuals involved.

How can family therapy be part of an individual’s mental health treatment plan?

Family therapy can play a crucial role in an individual’s mental health treatment plan. It operates on the understanding that an individual’s mental health is significantly influenced by their family relationships and environment. Therefore, addressing family dynamics can often be key to improving an individual’s mental health.

In many cases, family therapy is used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes individual therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, and other interventions. The goal is to create a supportive family environment that aids in the recovery and well-being of the individual. It provides families with strategies and tools to effectively help their loved one and improve communication and understanding.

For example, if an individual is dealing with substance abuse, depression, or obsessive compulsive disorder, the behaviors and emotions associated with these issues can create stress and conflict within the family. Family therapy can help each family member understand the nature of the disorder, how it affects the individual, and how they can support their loved one while also taking care of their own mental health.

Additionally, when the individual is a child or adolescent, family therapy becomes even more critical. Parents and siblings need to understand how to navigate the situation, and family therapy can provide them with the necessary skills and strategies. It ensures that the entire family is working together toward the child’s well-being.

Where to get family therapy near me in Philadelphia, PA?

If you’re seeking family therapy services in and around Philadelphia, you’re in the right place. Elium Health offers exceptional care across multiple locations across the Delaware Valley, ensuring that help is always within your reach. Our dedicated therapists are committed to providing personalized treatment plans tailored to meet the unique needs of your family. Here’s a list of our four conveniently located clinics in Philadelphia where you can access our family therapy services:

At Elium Health, our facilities are all run by a highly skilled and compassionate team of professionals that are dedicated to providing the highest quality of family therapy, ensuring you receive the support and guidance you need to navigate through your mental health journey.

What individual  mental health disorders is family therapy often used to treat?

Family therapy is a form of psychotherapy that addresses not only the individual experiencing mental health issues, but their family system as well. This approach recognizes that family dynamics can often play a significant role in the development and maintenance of mental health disorders. By involving the entire family in the therapeutic process, it can be an effective way to manage and treat a variety of mental health conditions. In each of these cases, family therapy is used not only to support the individual with the disorder but also to help the entire family system function more effectively and healthily.

Here are some of the disorders commonly addressed through family therapy:



This is a mental health disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest or pleasure in activities. Family therapy can help families understand the nature of depression and how to support their loved one, while also addressing any family dynamics that may be contributing to the depression.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders

These disorders involve excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. In family therapy, families learn how to provide a supportive environment for their loved one experiencing anxiety, while also learning coping strategies to manage their own stress related to the disorder.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

This is a mental disorder where people have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, ideas, sensations (obsessions), or behaviors that make them feel driven to do something (compulsions). Family therapy can help families better understand OCD, reduce blame or frustration often associated with the condition, and learn practical skills to support their loved one.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

This is a disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. In family therapy, families can learn strategies to assist their loved one in managing their symptoms, improve communication, and address any family dynamics that may be contributing to stress or conflict.

Elium Health

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The highly trained and welcoming mental health professionals at Elium Health are here to help answer any family therapy questions you may have. Book an appointment with us or call us on: 866-552-3758

How much does family therapy cost in Philadelphia, PA?

The cost of family therapy can vary widely based on several factors including the therapist’s level of experience, the length and frequency of sessions, and geographic location. In Philadelphia, PA, the average cost of family therapy ranges from $100 to $200 per session. Family therapy is a valuable resource for individuals and their families dealing with mental health disorders and is a valuable investment in any mental health journey. Each of these payment options has its own set of advantages and considerations, so it’s important to choose the one that best suits your family’s needs and circumstances.

Here are some common ways to cover the costs of family therapy:



This option involves directly paying for therapy sessions. While this may be more expensive upfront, it provides the most privacy and flexibility as there are no insurance limitations on the number or duration of sessions. Some therapists offer a sliding fee scale based on income, making therapy more affordable for those with financial constraints. 

Health Insurance

Health Insurance

Many health insurance plans cover mental health services, including family therapy. Coverage can vary, so it’s important to check with your insurance provider to understand what is included in your plan.  Our team is standing by to check your insurance coverage on your behalf; call us today at 866-552-3758.  Keep in mind that using insurance often requires a diagnosis, which becomes part of your medical record.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

Some employers offer EAPs, which are work-based intervention programs designed to identify and assist employees in resolving personal problems that may be adversely affecting their performance at work. These programs can often provide a certain number of free therapy sessions.

Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

These are other perks often offered by employers.  HSAs and FSAs are accounts in which you can contribute pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible healthcare expenses, including therapy sessions. An HSA is often associated with high-deductible health plans, while an FSA is typically offered by employers. Both can provide significant tax advantages, and using these accounts can make therapy more affordable. However, it’s important to check which types of therapy services are considered eligible expenses under your specific plan.

Additional information about mental heath treatment, family therapy, and Philadelphia

Continue reading for additional useful information about family therapy , mentl health, and Philadelphia.

Additional Stats and info about family therapy and mental health

Additional statistics and info about mental health and family therapy

  • As for May 2022, The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates there are over 60,000 Marriage and Family therapists in the US

  • Pennsylvania has almost 3,000 of these

  • The National Institute of Mental Illness (NIMH)
    reports that almost 52% of adult women in the United States will experience any mental illness over the course of the year
  • This number is 40% for men
  • Looking at Serious Mental Illness,  the NIMH breaks down the prevalence at 7% for females and 4% for males.

What is Philadelphia known for?

What is Philadelphia known for?

Philadelphia, often called Philly, is the largest city in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania, and is rich in history and culture. It’s known for its role in the American Revolution and early American history. The iconic Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, where the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution were signed, are among the city’s most significant historical landmarks.

Geographically, Philadelphia covers an area of approximately 142.70 square miles, a mix of urban development and natural beauty. The city’s layout is characterized by a grid system with broad, numbered streets and includes the Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers. Its location in the Northeastern United States places it near other major cities like New York City and Washington D.C.

Culturally, Philadelphia is renowned for its arts and food scene. The city is home to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, famously known for the “Rocky Steps,” and the vibrant murals that adorn its cityscape. Culinary delights such as the Philly cheesesteak and soft pretzels are famous far beyond the city’s borders.

In terms of demographics, as of 2010, Philadelphia had a population of 1,526,006, making it the sixth-most populous U.S. city. The greater metropolitan area, which includes Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, has a population of 5,965,343. Philadelphia is diverse, with a rich blend of ethnic and cultural groups contributing to a vibrant community.

Philadelphia is also a hub for several industries, including healthcare, education, and biotechnology. In 2023, 143 Philadelphia-area companies made the Inc. 5000 list, demonstrating the area’s robust business environment.

Overall, Philadelphia is a city that beautifully blends the old with the new, heritage with innovation, and diversity with unity, making it a truly unique place to live, work, and visit.

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