Mental Health Treatment Centers That Offer Child Therapy in Philadelphia, PA

Welcome to Elium Health, your trusted partner in child mental health therapy services. Our mission is to nurture resilience, foster healing and promote overall mental wellness in our young clients. With four convenient locations across the greater Philadelphia area, we are committed to providing compassionate, personalized, and evidence-based therapeutic interventions. Our team of highly skilled practitioners is dedicated to helping children and teens navigate their unique mental health journeys. Now accepting new patients, we invite you to explore our comprehensive range of services designed to empower your child towards a happier, healthier future.

Speak To Our Philadelphia Based Experts

Schedule an appointment, ask questions, or talk about something else we haven’t quite covered. Our qualified experts are here to create an specialized treatment plan for your child centered around our therapy options!

What is Mental Health Therapy?

Mental health therapy, also known as psychotherapy or talk therapy, is a process centered on helping individuals understand and manage their mental health issues. It involves communicating and creating a dialogue with a trained mental health professional to identify troubling thoughts, feelings, or behaviors, and learn effective coping strategies. Therapy can help individuals navigate through a range of issues such as stress, grief, trauma, depression, anxiety, and more. It’s not just for treating mental health conditions; it’s also a powerful tool for personal growth, self-discovery, and improving overall quality of life. 

individual in a therapy sessions

Can Mental Health Therapy help Children?

Yes, studies show that mental health therapy can be highly effective in treating a variety of conditions, including depression and anxiety, in children and adolescents. Therapy not only supports a reduction in these symptoms but also helps children deal with life’s challenges in a more positive way. It can improve behaviors at home, school, and in social settings by using rewards and consequences to help children change their behavior.

At Elium Health, we understand that navigating the challenges of life can be overwhelming for young minds. Our goal is to help them build resilience, confidence, and healthy patterns of thinking through our specialized therapy services. Our qualified therapists evaluate your child’s mental and behavioral health and use therapeutic techniques tailored to their unique needs. We believe that each child’s treatment should be individualized, focusing on improving coping skills, enhancing parent-child relationships, and promoting better behavior.

Our doors are always open to new patients across all our four locations. We’re committed to providing comprehensive mental health services that foster growth and development in a supportive environment.

How is Child Therapy different from Adult Therapy?

Child therapy, while rooted in the same principles as adult therapy, is distinct in its approach due to the unique developmental stage and needs of children. Unlike adults, children may not have the language or emotional awareness to express their feelings directly. Therapists working with children often use specialized techniques such as play therapy, art therapy, and narrative therapy, which allow the child to express their feelings and experiences indirectly.

During child therapy, the therapist often takes a more active and directive role than in adult therapy. They might engage in play or activities with the child, using these interactions as a window into the child’s emotional world. Through observing a child’s play or responses to certain situations, a therapist can gain insights into their underlying thoughts, fears, and desires.

Moreover, the therapist often involves parents or caregivers in the therapeutic process. This may involve providing guidance on how to manage behavioral issues at home or school, or addressing family dynamics that may be impacting the child’s mental health.

Finally, ethical considerations also differ in child therapy. While confidentiality is a cornerstone of all therapy, with children, there are limits. Parents or guardians have legal rights to information about their child’s treatment. However, therapists must balance this with maintaining the child’s trust and sense of safety in therapy.

What common mental health disorders found in children can therapy treat?

Mental health disorders in children are more common than most people realize, and they can manifest in various ways. Recognizing these conditions early and seeking appropriate therapeutic intervention can significantly benefit a child’s development and overall life quality. Therapy can be an effective treatment for a wide range of mental health disorders in children, helping them understand their feelings, develop coping strategies, and improve their behavioral responses.

Here are some of the common mental health disorders found in children that therapy can treat:

  • Anxiety Disorders: These involve excessive fear or worry that can interfere with a child’s daily activities. Through therapy, children can learn to manage their fears and anxieties, developing resilience and coping mechanisms.

  • Depression: This condition goes beyond typical ‘blues’ and can affect a child’s energy level, concentration, and overall happiness. Therapeutic interventions can help children understand and express their feelings, equipping them with tools to combat depressive symptoms.

  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): This disorder is characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, impulsivity, or hyperactivity. Therapy can help children with ADHD improve their focus, reduce impulsive behavior, and better manage their daily routines.

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): OCD is characterized by recurring, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions) that individuals feel compelled to repeat. Our therapists are trained in cognitive-behavioral therapy, specifically Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), which is considered the gold standard treatment for OCD. ERP involves exposing individuals to their obsessions and helping them resist the urge to carry out their compulsive behaviors, thereby reducing the power these obsessions hold over them.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): ASD affects a child’s social interaction, communication, interests, and behaviors. While therapy cannot cure ASD, it can significantly improve a child’s ability to function and communicate. Click through to learn more about our Autism evaluations 

  • Eating Disorders: These disorders involve preoccupations with food, body weight, and shape that lead to dangerous eating behaviors. Therapy can help children develop healthier eating habits and body image perceptions.

Where to get child therapy near me in Philadelphia?

If you are looking for therapy for your child and are local to any of the 5 counties that make up the Philadelphia metro area, we are accepting new patients. We have four clinics spread over the greater Philadelphia area to ensure access for anyone living in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, or Philadelphia counties:

All four centers are run by a team of highly trained and compassionate staff ready start your on child on a treatment journey to address any mental health challenges they face.

What are specific types of child therapy?

Child therapy encompasses a wide range of approaches and methods designed to address the individual mental, emotional, and behavioral needs of children. These therapeutic interventions are scientifically validated to help children cope with difficulties, understand their feelings, and make positive changes. Here are some specific types of child therapy:

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

This type of therapy helps children understand how their thoughts can influence their feelings and behaviors1. It is a problem-focused approach that equips children with practical strategies to manage challenges like anxiety, depression, and behavioral issues.

Learn More: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is designed to teach children skills to regulate their emotions, tolerate distress, and improve interpersonal relationships. It is particularly beneficial for adolescents dealing with self-harm, suicidal ideation, or borderline personality disorder.

Play Therapy

Play Therapy

This therapeutic approach utilizes play, a child’s natural form of communication, to help them express their feelings and work through emotional or behavioral challenges. It can be especially effective with younger children who may struggle to articulate their experiences verbally.

Family Therapy

Family Therapy

This approach involves working with the entire family to identify patterns of communication, resolve conflicts, and foster healthier relationships. It acknowledges the interconnectedness of family dynamics and the child’s mental health. One common type of family therapy is Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT). PCIT involves coaching parents to use specific skills to establish or strengthen a nurturing and secure relationship with their child. It can help with managing disruptive behaviors and improving the parent-child dynamic.

Elium Health

Speak To An Expert Near Me

The professional and compassionate mental health treatment staff at Elium Health are here to help answer any child therapy questions you may have. Book an appointment with us or call us on: 866-552-3758

What role will therapy play in my child’s mental health treatment plan?

Therapy plays a significant role in your child’s mental health treatment plan. It provides a safe space for your child to express their feelings, learn coping strategies, and work through challenging experiences. A well-structured treatment plan is often multidimensional, taking into account the child’s unique needs, family dynamics, and environmental factors. Here are the common steps in a treatment plan:

  • Diagnostic Evaluation: This is the initial step where a mental health professional assesses your child’s emotional, behavioral, and cognitive functioning. The evaluation may include interviews with the child and parents, observations of the child, and standardized testing. The goal is to understand the nature and severity of the child’s difficulties and to identify any underlying mental health conditions.

  • Goal Setting: In this phase, the therapist, child, and parents work together to establish therapy goals. These goals can range from reducing symptoms of anxiety or depression, improving social skills, enhancing school performance, or improving family relationships. Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

  • Therapeutic Intervention: This is the core part of the treatment plan where the child engages in therapeutic activities designed to help them reach their goals. This could involve individual therapy sessions, group therapy, family therapy, or a combination. The type of therapy used (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy, play therapy) will depend on the child’s age, developmental level, and the nature of their difficulties.

  • Parental Involvement: Parents often play a crucial role in a child’s therapy. They may be involved in sessions directly, learn strategies to support their child at home, or make changes to the home environment to better support their child’s mental health.

  • Medication Therapy: In some cases, a child’s mental health disorder may require medication in conjunction with therapy. Medications can help manage symptoms of various disorders like ADHD, anxiety, depression, and more. These medications are prescribed by a psychiatrist and should always be taken under professional supervision. Medication management and regular follow-ups are necessary to monitor the effectiveness of the medication and any potential side effects.
  • Review and Adjustment: Regular reviews of the child’s progress towards their therapy goals are an important part of the treatment plan. These reviews allow the therapist to adjust the therapy approach if needed, add new goals as the child makes progress, or end therapy when the child has achieved their goals.

Additional information about mental heath treatment, children’s therapy, and Philadelphia

Continue reading for additional useful information about child mental health therapy and Philadelphia.

Additional Stats and info about child therapy

Additional statistics and info about mental health and children’s therapy

  • The CDC reports that ADHD and Anxiety are the most common mental health disorder found in children; each affecting over 9 million kids

  • The CDC reports that mental health concerns start early, with 1 in 6 children between 2 and 8 years old having a diagnosed mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder.

  • The CDC also reports that boys are more likely than girls to have a mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder

  • The 2022 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report states that “suicidal behaviors among high school students increased more than 40% in the decade before 2019”
  • The American Psychological Association says that “from March 2020 to October 2020, mental health–related emergency department visits increased 24% for children ages 5 to 11 and 31% for those aged 12 to 17”

What is Philadelphia known for?

What is Philadelphia known for?

Philadelphia, lovingly referred to as the “City of Brotherly Love,” is renowned for its rich historical significance, vibrant arts and culture scene, and diverse culinary offerings. As the birthplace of the United States, it was in Philadelphia that our Founding Fathers met, debated, and formed a new country. Both the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution were written here, earning the city its fame as the cradle of American democracy.

The Philadelphia area is not just about history; it’s also a hub for arts and culture. In 2016 alone, it attracted 42 million domestic tourists who spent $6.8 billion, drawn by its stunning architecture, world-class museums, and dynamic performing arts scene. The city’s cultural vibrancy extends beyond its galleries and theaters, with lush gardens dotting the cityscape, earning it another nickname, “America’s Garden Capital”.

Philadelphia’s culinary scene is as diverse as it is delicious. The city is world-famous for its hoagies, cheesesteaks, Tastykakes, Goldenberg Peanut Chews, water ice, and soft pretzels. The diversity and quality of its food offerings provide a range of dining options that cater to all tastes and budgets.

In addition to its urban charms, the Philadelphia area is also known for its surrounding suburbs. These regions offer attractions such as the Philadelphia Union soccer team, the Brandywine River Museum, the Brandywine Battlefield, and the Caleb Pusey House.

In conclusion, Philadelphia is a top-tier U.S. city known for its blend of cultural, historical, and recreational attractions. Whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, a sports fan, or an art lover, Philadelphia has something to offer everyone.

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