Mental Health Treatment Centers That Offer Psychological Evaluations for Teens in Philadelphia, PA

Here at Elium Health we’re proud to be at the forefront of mental health services in the greater Philadelphia area. At each of our four advanced centers, our dedicated team offers a comprehensive range of evidence-based mental health services, including specialized psychological evaluations and assessments for teenagers. At Elium Health, we understand the unique mental health challenges that teens face and are committed to providing the most effective, personalized care in a supportive environment. Join us as we pave the way towards understanding, healing, and empowerment.

Offering effective diagnostics and treatment for teens and adults in the greater Philadelphia area.

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Schedule an appointment, ask questions, or talk about something else we haven’t quite covered. Our qualified experts are here to create an specialized treatment plan for your teenager starting with a psych assessment.

What is a teenage psych evaluation?

A teenage psychological evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of a teenager’s mental health. This process involves discussions about the teen’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and may include interviews, written tests, physical examinations, and neurological assessments. The main aim is to pinpoint any potential problems and their underlying causes, providing a roadmap to wellness for the struggling teenager.

Young lady in a therapy session

Psychological evaluations are crucial for understanding the unique challenges that teens face. They can reveal issues such as a notable drop in grades, frequent absences or tardiness at school or work, a decrease in personal hygiene, difficulties concentrating, and bizarre behavior. These signs could indicate the need for a mental health evaluation and subsequent intervention.

In a psychiatric assessment for teens, the goal is to clarify an individual’s diagnosis and ensure it’s accurate. From there, the teen’s needs are identified and an effective treatment plan can be developed. It’s a comprehensive evaluation of mental health carried out by a licensed therapist, which helps to understand the teen’s emotional and behavioral problems.

The evaluation process involves gathering information about the adolescent’s present behaviors, as well as details on their physical, genetic, and emotional health. This thorough assessment allows mental health professionals to provide appropriate support and interventions tailored to the teen’s specific needs.

Whether it’s emotional distress, behavioral issues, or other mental health concerns, a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation can provide valuable insights into a teenager’s state of mind, helping parents and caregivers better understand and support their teen’s mental health journey.

What can my teenager expect during a psychological evaluation?

During a psychological evaluation, your teenager can expect to participate in a thorough assessment that includes interviews, questionnaires, and possibly tests. These evaluations are conducted in a safe and confidential environment where they will be encouraged to share openly about their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

In the initial stages, the mental health professional will likely conduct an interview with your teenager. This is an opportunity for your teen to express their feelings, thoughts, and any concerns they may have. They might be asked questions about their school performance, relationships with family and friends, as well as any symptoms they may be experiencing like changes in mood, sleep patterns, or appetite.

Your teenager may also be asked to complete various questionnaires or tests. These could be standardized assessments designed to evaluate specific aspects of mental health, such as anxiety, depression, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The type of tests used will depend on the presenting issues and the professional’s judgement.

Physical examinations may also be part of the evaluation process, particularly if there are concerns about whether a physical health issue might be contributing to mental health symptoms. In some cases, neurological assessments may be conducted to rule out any potential neurological conditions.

Throughout the process, the mental health professional will be gathering information not just about your teen’s current state, but also their past experiences and future aspirations. This comprehensive approach ensures that the evaluation captures a complete picture of your teenager’s mental health, which is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan.

Finally, it’s important to remember that the goal of a psychological evaluation is not to label or stigmatize your teenager, but rather to understand their unique challenges and strengths. The insights gained from the evaluation can guide the development of a personalized treatment plan, providing your teen with the tools and support they need to navigate their mental health journey.

What teenage mental health disorders are covered by psychological assessments?

Psychological assessments for teenagers cover a wide range of mental health disorders. These comprehensive evaluations are designed to diagnose various conditions that can affect a teenager’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. By identifying these disorders early, appropriate interventions can be implemented to support the teen’s mental health and overall wellbeing.

Remember, this list is not exhaustive and there are many other mental health disorders that can be identified through psychological assessments. If you suspect that your teenager is struggling with their mental health, it’s important to seek professional help as early as possible.

Here is a list of some common mental health disorders that are typically covered by psychological assessments:



This is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest in activities, and a lack of motivation. Depression can affect a teenager’s daily life, including their performance at school and relationships with others. It’s important to identify and treat depression early to prevent further complications.

Learn More: Depression Treatment

Anxiety Disorders:

Anxiety Disorders

These include conditions like generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. Teens with anxiety disorders experience excessive worry, fear, or nervousness that can interfere with their daily activities. Psychological assessments can help identify the type and severity of the anxiety disorder.

Learn More: Anxiety Treatment

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

This condition is characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. ADHD can affect a teen’s academic performance and social interactions. A thorough evaluation is crucial for diagnosing ADHD and determining the most effective treatment strategies.

Learn More: ADHD Treatment

Eating Disorders:

Eating Disorders

Conditions like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder fall under this category. Eating disorders involve serious disturbances in eating behaviors and related thoughts and emotions. Early detection through psychological assessment can lead to timely treatment, improving the chances of recovery.

Learn More: Eating Disorder Treatment

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD):

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

ASD is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior. It can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges. A comprehensive psychological evaluation is often necessary to accurately diagnose ASD and develop an effective treatment plan.

Where to get a psych evaluation for my teen near me in Philadelphia?

If you are looking for a location to get a teenage psychological assessment in Philadelphia, there are several reputable institutions and services that offer these evaluations. One notable organization is Elium Health, which provides psychological evaluations at multiple locations throughout the Philadelphia area.

We are well-regarded for our comprehensive mental health services, including psychological evaluations for teenagers. We have four conveniently located centers across the Philadelphia metro area:

One of the key strengths of Elium Health is our dedicated and experienced staff. We have a team of qualified professionals who are committed to providing quality care and support. Each member of our team brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise, ensuring that every patient receives the individualized care they need.

Remember, early intervention is crucial when it comes to mental health issues. If you think your teenager may benefit from a psychological assessment, do not hesitate to reach out to us. You’re taking an important step towards supporting your teenager’s mental wellbeing.

How much do teenage psych evaluations cost?

Teenage psychological evaluations, also known as psych assessments, can vary significantly in cost based on numerous factors such as the nature and complexity of the assessment, the professional’s level of education, licensure, additional certifications, and area of expertise. The cost for a full psychological assessment can be upwards of $1,500, while partial assessments may cost less. It’s important to understand what these costs entail and how insurance can play a role.

Remember, investing in a psychological assessment for your teenager is a significant step towards understanding their mental health needs and finding effective strategies to help them. It’s essential to explore all potential funding options and find a solution that works for your family’s financial situation.

Will my health insurance cover the cost of a psychological assessment for my child?

Will my health insurance cover the cost of a psychological assessment for my child?

Health insurance policies vary widely, and coverage for psychological assessments is not always guaranteed. Some insurance plans may cover part or all of the costs, while others may not cover them at all. It’s crucial to review your insurance policy details or contact your insurance provider directly to understand what mental health services are covered. In some cases, a doctor’s referral may be required for insurance to cover the cost.

Our team is standing by to help you verify your insurance coverage for the plans we accept.  Call us today at 866-552-3758.

Can I sign up my teen for a psych evaluation without health insurance?

Can I sign up my teen for a psych evaluation without health insurance?

Yes, you can sign up your teen for a psychological evaluation without health insurance. However, it’s important to note that the out-of-pocket costs can be substantial, ranging from a few hundred dollars up to $5,000 or more depending on the specifics of the evaluation. Some providers offer a sliding scale fee structure based on income, so it’s worth asking about this option.

How can I pay for my kid’s psych evaluation without insurance?

How can I pay for my kid’s psych evaluation without insurance?

If insurance is not an option, there are other ways to fund your teenager’s psychological evaluation. You could consider setting up a payment plan with the provider, applying for medical credit cards or personal loans, or exploring community resources that offer low-cost or free mental health services. Additionally, some schools and universities offer psychological assessments at reduced rates. Your employer may offer an Employee Assistance Plan (EAP), Health Savings Accounts (HSA), or Flexible Savings Accounts (FSA).

Elium Health

Speak To An Experts Near Me

The thoughtful and professional mental health treatment teams at Elium Health are here to help answer any questions you may have about mental health treatment for your child. Book an appointment with us or call us on: 866-552-3758 

What are the signs that my teenager may be suffering with mental health issues?

Mental health issues can affect teenagers just as they do adults, but the signs may be different or harder to recognize. Parents and caregivers play a critical role in spotting these signs and getting help when needed. The following signs could indicate that your teenager is struggling with mental health issues:

  • Persistent Restlessness, Fatigue, or Anxiety: If your teenager frequently appears restless, wound up, or anxious, or becomes fatigued easily, it could indicate a problem with their mental health.
  • Changes in Sleep, Weight, Eating Habits, or Other Everyday Patterns: Significant changes in sleep patterns, weight, eating habits, or other daily routines can also be a sign of mental health difficulties.
  • Poor Personal Hygiene and Disinterest in Physical Appearance: If your teenager suddenly shows a lack of interest in their personal hygiene or physical appearance, this could be a sign of mental distress.
  • Extreme Mood Swings: While mood swings can be a normal part of adolescence, extreme mood swings that cause problems at school or home may suggest a mental health disorder.
  • Withdrawal from Social Interactions: Teens with mental health issues may withdraw from friends and family, lose interest in activities they once enjoyed, or avoid social interactions altogether.
  • Sustained Negative Mood and Attitude: Depression might be the cause if your teenager shows a sustained, prolonged negative mood and attitude, often accompanied by poor appetite, difficulty sleeping, or thoughts of death.
  • Symptoms of Specific Disorders: Some symptoms may be associated with specific disorders such as anxiety, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), eating disorders, or substance use disorders.

Remember, this list is not exhaustive and symptoms can vary greatly from one person to another. If you notice any of these signs in your teenager, it’s important to seek professional help. Early intervention can significantly improve the outcome of treatment for mental health disorders.

Additional information about psychological evaluations, mental health treatment and Philadelphia

Continue reading for additional useful information about psych evaluations and Philadelphia.

Are the results of a teenager’s psych evaluation confidential?

Are the results of a teenager’s psych evaluation confidential?

The results of a teenager’s psychological evaluation are generally confidential. According to the American Psychological Association and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, confidentiality is a cornerstone of effective mental health treatment, especially with adolescents. However, there can be exceptions to this rule. While health professionals strive to maintain confidentiality, they may contact parents or caregivers under special circumstances, such as when there is a risk of harm to the teenager or others. It’s also important to note that in forensic evaluations related to juvenile criminal cases, confidentiality rules may differ. Therefore, while the principle of confidentiality is upheld in most situations, it’s essential to understand that certain circumstances may necessitate the sharing of information.

What is Philadelphia known for?

What is Philadelphia known for?

Philadelphia, fondly known as Philly, is a city rich in history and culture. It’s renowned as the birthplace of American democracy, home to iconic landmarks that played crucial roles in the formation of the United States. The Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution were signed, are among the most significant historical sites. The city’s Old City neighborhood is like a living history museum that takes you back to the nation’s early years.

Beyond its historical significance, Philadelphia is also known for its vibrant arts scene. It boasts an array of museums, including the world-renowned Philadelphia Museum of Art, which Rocky Balboa famously ran up the steps of in the “Rocky” film series. The city is also home to the Barnes Foundation, housing one of the world’s greatest collections of impressionist, post-impressionist, and early modern paintings2. Murals adorn buildings throughout the city, earning Philly the nickname “City of Murals”.

Culinary enthusiasts know Philadelphia for its iconic Philly cheesesteak, a sandwich loaded with thinly sliced beefsteak and melted cheese on a hoagie roll. The city’s food scene extends far beyond this famous dish, with a diverse selection of cuisines reflecting the city’s multicultural population.

Philadelphia is also a sports city, with passionate fans supporting their professional teams: the Eagles (NFL), the Phillies (MLB), the 76ers (NBA), and the Flyers (NHL). The city’s love for sports is palpable during game days, creating an infectious energy throughout the city.

In education, Philadelphia is known for its top-tier universities such as the University of Pennsylvania, a member of the prestigious Ivy League, and Temple University. These institutions contribute to the city’s reputation as a hub for higher learning and research.

In essence, Philadelphia is a city that seamlessly blends the old with the new, where historical landmarks coexist with modern architecture, and traditional dishes are as celebrated as innovative culinary creations.

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